Cement decarbonization

Capsol's cement decarbonization solution turning CCS profitable
Capsol’s significant advantages can be explained by these technical highlights.
Inherent heat recovery brings down cost
Capsol's carbon capture technology combines inherent heat recovery and generation in a stand-alone unit based on the proven and safe HPC solvent, bringing down the cost per ton CO2 captured.
Recent engineering work for clients in the cement industry has produced energy consumption numbers as low as 0.55 GJ per ton of CO2 captured, with limited plant integration.
With more advanced plant heat integration, energy numbers as low as 0.25 GJ per ton of CO2 captured is possible.
Proven and safe HPC solvent
Our proven and safe HPC (hot potassium carbonate) solvent offers superior HSE (Health, Safety and Environment) and easier permitting.
Stand-alone capture unit
CapsolEoP® is a stand-alone unit requiring minimal modification of the parent plant, with little to no water need. Simpler integration reduces capex and project risk.
Case study cement CCS project
Making more projects viable, contributing to accelerated path to cement decarbonization
The main portion of the opex for all technologies is the cost of energy needed to drive the CO2 separation process. Energy can make up 70% of total opex costs. Compared with Amine technology, our advantage on energy savings increases with higher CO2 concentrations.

For example, a cement customer will benefit from Capsol’s cost advantage of EUR 19 EUR per ton of CO2. For a 800,000 tons per year capture plant capacity this translates into annual energy savings of EUR 15 million.
This is of course not our only advantage on the cost side. Our customer’s also benefit from lower solvent costs. In many cases we also avoid the costly modification works when integrating into the existing plant, which reduces capex.
1) Capsol client studies and publicly available data on energy costs for amine-based carbon capture systems. Assumptions: No heat integration, 800ktpa plant, EUR 80 per Mwhe.1. At 20% CO2 concentration in flue gas.
For cement plants in Europe, incentives consist of a mix of ETS costs reductions and the premium pricing they can achieve when selling their low-carbon products.

In the graph on the left hand side, you will see that the CCS costs for Brevik are significantly above expected customer incentives. This gap had to be overcome with extensive government funding that is hard to access for our wider customer base. In case of a cement plant, incentives consist of a mix of ETS costs reductions and the premium pricing they can achieve when selling their low-carbon products.
The total CCS costs for Capsol are expected to be EUR 114 - 134, which includes capex and opex for capture, transport and storage. This provides the emitter with an attractive EUR 5 - 25 margin. The advantage over Amine technology is EUR 50 - 70. With our technology, cement producers benefit not only from the mentioned energy advantage but also from minimized integration costs.
There are more than 2,200 cement plants emitting 1.9 billion tons of CO2 on a global basis.
Assumptions: 900.000 tons CO2 emissions, 20% CO2 concentration, 95% capture efficiency, no free EU ETS allowances, 30% green premium on cement (based on consumer pricing on low-carbon cement and RMI), EUR 100 per EU emissions allowance. https://www.capturemap.no/carbon-capture-cement-industry/
High-level overview of CapsolEoP® for cement plants

We care. We can. We capture.
Find out how Capsol can help you capture CO2 and significantly reduce associated capture costs.